Collection Fees
Collection Limit/Requirements
A program may limit the number of covered electronic products or covered electronic products by product type accepted per customer per day or per delivery at a collection site or service. All covered entities may use a collection site as long as the covered entities adhere to any restrictions established in the plans. For small businesses, small governments, charities, and school districts that may have large quantities of covered electronic products that cannot be handled at collection sites or curbside services, a program may provide alternate services. At a minimum, a program must provide for processing of these large quantities of covered electronic products at no charge to the small businesses, small governments, charities, and school districts.
Collector or Municipal Plan Required
Collector Registration Required
New collectors may register anytime. Existing collectors must register between July 1 and September 1 of each year in order to continue providing services to Covered Electronic Product (CEP) Recycling Plans.
Covered Entities
Household/Consumer, Non-profit/Charity, Schools, Small Businesses (fewer than 50 employees), Small Government
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required
The administrative fee will be distributed among manufacturers on a sliding scale based on tiers that are representative of annual sales of covered electronic products in or into Washington state. The state publishes the preliminary tier schedule on their website by June 1 of each calendar year.
Link to State Annual Report
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal
If there were multiple plans, the plan would need to collect their equivalent share. If they failed to meet that share, they would make a payment to Ecology. If they collected more then their share, Ecology would make a payment to the plan.
Manufacturer Registration Required
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share
For program year 2016 and all subsequent program years, the department shall determine market share by weight for all manufacturers using any combination of the following data: 1) Generally available market research data; 2) Sales data supplied by manufacturers for brands they manufacture or sell; or 3) Sales data provided by retailers for brands they sell. The department shall determine each manufacturer's percentage of market share by dividing each manufacturer's total pounds of covered electronic products sold in Washington by the sum total of all pounds of covered electronic products sold in Washington by all manufacturers.
Market Share Applicable Products
Desktops, E-readers, Laptops, Monitors, Portable DVD, Tablets, Televisions
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers
Primary Contact
Christine Haunclac461@ecy.wa.gov360-407-6107
Product Labeling Required
Products Covered
Desktops, E-readers, Laptops, Monitors, Portable DVD, Tablets, Televisions
Computer peripherals such as keyboards, mice, and printers are not included in this program.
Recycler Application or Registration Fee
Recycler Application or Registration Required
Direct processors are required to: -Have a contract with a Recycling Plan -Be identified in an Ecology approved Recycling Plan -Register annually with Ecology -Update their registration information within 14 days of any changes -Meet the performance standards
Retailer Requirements
A retailer who sells new covered electronic products shall provide information to consumers describing where and how to recycle covered electronic products and opportunities and locations for the convenient collection or return of the products. This requirement can be fulfilled by providing the department's toll-free telephone number and web site. Remote sellers may include the information in a visible location on their web site as fulfillment of this requirement.
Screen Sizes Accepted
4 inches or larger
State Ewaste Recycling Law
State Program Year
January 1 - January 1
Target Type
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship