Primary Contact
Rebecca Webber
(802) 522-3658
Alternate Contact(s)
Sarah Hobson
Law ComponentAction Item/Answer
Alternate Contact Sarah Hobson
Annual Manufacturer Registration Deadline July 1
Manufacturers are responsible for paying two fees: 1. The first is a Registration fee, which will cover the Agency administrative costs of the Vermont program. This invoice will be billed annually in January. 2. The second fee is an Implementation fee, which covers the costs of collection and recycling of the electronic waste under the State Standard Plan. This fee is billed quarterly (in April, July, and October, and January) only to those manufacturers participating in the State Standard Plan. Both fees will be based on the manufacturer’s market share by weight of devices sold during the prior program year. Payments will be due within 45 days of the invoice date. No fees will be assessed or due at the time of registration.
Collection Fees No
Collector or Municipal Plan Required No
Collector Registration Required Yes
Covered Entities Any person giving 7 or fewer devices at one time, Household/Consumer, Non-profit/Charity, Schools, Small Businesses with Fewer Than 10 Employees
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban Yes
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products Yes
Failure to complete registration by July 1, 2018 is punishable by a maximum penalty of $170,000.00 under 10 V.S.A. §8003(a) and §8010(c)(1). It will also result in VT retailers being prohibited under 10 V.S.A. §7553(a) from selling covered electronic devices effective July 1st.
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted No
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required Yes
Manufacturers are responsible for paying two fees: 1. The first is a Registration fee, which will cover the Agency administrative costs of the Vermont program. This invoice will be billed annually in January. 2. The second fee is an Implementation fee, which covers the costs of collection and recycling of the electronic waste under the State Standard Plan. This fee is billed quarterly (in April, July, and October, and January) only to those manufacturers participating in the State Standard Plan. Both fees will be based on the manufacturer’s market share by weight of devices sold during the prior program year. Payments will be due within 45 days of the invoice date. No fees will be assessed or due at the time of registration.
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits No
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers No
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Yes
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Deadline June 1
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal Yes
The Electronic Waste Recycling Program goal for a manufacturer that submits a plan shall be the product of the relevant statewide recycling goal multiplied by the manufacturer's market share of covered electronic devices. A manufacturer that submits a plan may only count electronic waste received from covered entities toward the Program goal.
Manufacturer Registration Required Yes
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees No
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share Yes
Manufacturer registration and implementation fee are calculated using market share. The Electronic Waste Recycling Program goal for a manufacturer that submits a plan shall be the product of the relevant statewide recycling goal multiplied by the manufacturer's market share of covered electronic devices.
Market Share Applicable Products Desktops, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Televisions
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations No
No formal modification form required, but registration shall be amended within 10 days after a change to any information included in the registration.
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted No
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers Yes
Statewide total lbs target
Primary Contact Rebecca Webber
(802) 522-3658
Product Labeling Required Yes
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Computers, Desktops, Digital Converter Boxes, DVD players, E-device power cords and chargers, Fax, Game Consoles, Monitors, PDAs, Portable Music/Media Player, Printers, Stereo Equipment, Telephones, Televisions, VCRs
Products Covered Desktops, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Televisions
Manufacturers do NOT have to register for peripherals, but they are considered 'covered' under the collection program
Recycler Application Due Date October 1
Recycler Application or Registration Fee $0.00
Recycler Application or Registration Required Yes
A business that collects devices solely to reuse, refurbish, and repair is not considered a recycler. Recyclers located outside the state of Vermont, but that recycle electronic devices collected in Vermont would not need to register.
Retailer Requirements Retailers shall not offer covered electronic devices for sale unless the products are labeled and registered. A retailer who sells new covered electronic devices shall provide information to customers describing where and how they may recycle electronic waste and advising them of opportunities and locations for the convenient collection of electronic waste for the purpose of recycling.
Screen Sizes Accepted Any screen defined as a monitor, television, or part of a computer, regardless of size, is covered. Phones of any size are not covered.
State Ewaste Recycling Law Yes
State Program Year January 1 - January 1
Target Type Statewide total lbs target
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship No

Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)

139 Main Street, PO Box 551
Brattleboro, VT 05301

For additional contact information, please visit our Contact Us page.

e-Cycle Compliance Calendar © 2025

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