Rhode Island

Primary Contact
Alyson Brunelli
401-222-2797 x2777134
Alternate Contact(s)
Law ComponentAction Item/Answer
Collection Fees Yes
RIRRC Rate for State Plan, Private Plan Rate for approved Private Collection Plans
Collection Limit/Requirements Manufacturers may carry over 10% more than their allotment. Anything beyond that does not get counted toward the program. Manufacturers may carry over a 10% deficit to be made up the following calendar year. Anything less than 90% of the allotment must be purchased from RIRRC.
Collector or Municipal Plan Required Yes
RIRRC has a collection plan on file with the Department.
Collector Registration Required Yes
Collectors must send in a registration page. There are no fees associated with registering to be a collector.
Covered Entities Household/Consumer, Schools (K-12 only)
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban Yes
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products Yes
A. The Director shall assess all penalties for violation of these regulations in accordance with the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-24.10-16, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-17.1, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 42-17.6 and the "Rules and Regulations for Assessment of Administrative Penalties". B. A violation of any of the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-24.10 or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto, shall be punishable, in the case of a first violation, by a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). C. In the case of a second and any further violations, the liability shall be for a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each violation.
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted Yes
Signature Sheet mailed to DEM.
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required Yes
$5,000 initial and annual fee
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits Yes
If a manufacturer has an approved plan, it can buy or sell pounds of collected E-waste. Documentation is required. Must be from the same calendar year. The Department must be notified BEFORE the sale or purchase is made or the lbs. may not be counted towards the e-waste program.
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers No
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Yes
Manufacturer Private Collection Group must offer consumers a free and convenient recycling program, submit a notification and recovery plan, and submit computer and television quarterly and annual recycling reports on a template provided by RIDEM.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal Yes
Recycling obligation is determined by market share for televisions and by return share for computers.
Manufacturer Registration Required Yes
If a manufacturer does not register, even if they do not have enough weight to take part in the recycling program, they will not be listed as an approved manufacturer with registered brands on the RIDEM website for retailers to sell.
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees Yes
Must pay RIRRC rate per lb. below 10% deficit. Deficit is carried over to next calendar year.
Manufacturer State Registration List http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/benviron/waste/pdf/registered-electronics-ewaste-manufacturers.pdf
Market Share Yes
Applies to TVs only. A group of television manufacturers may choose to implement a manufacturer program as one entity, if in doing so the manufacturers meet the sum of their individual market shares. Any television manufacturer that does not meet its assigned market share by weight for the previous calendar year, either through an individual or group collection program, shall pay the R.I. Resource Recovery Corporation an amount equivalent to the amount the television manufacturer would have paid if a participant in the State Program plus ten percent (10%). This amount shall be the per pound fee for the prior year, as approved by the Department, multiplied by the television manufacturer’s market share as established for the prior program year. Payment must be submitted to the R.I. Resource Recovery Corporation by February 1st.
Market Share Applicable Products Televisions
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations Yes
If a program has been previously approved within the last 1 to 2 years, the program manager and manufacturer may choose to send in one form on a template provided to extend the program another year, for a maximum of three years.
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted No
Manufacturers shall register using the EcycleRegistration website and mail in Signature Form with $5000 check.
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers Yes
Statewide total lbs set by agency
Primary Contact Alyson Brunelli
401-222-2797 x2777134
Product Labeling Required Yes
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream CRT Monitor, CRT TV, Desktops, Flat Panel/LCD Monitors, Flat Panel/LCD TV, Laptops
Also - anything with a screen >=9" diagonal
Products Covered Desktops, Laptops, Monitors, Tablets, Televisions
The law does not cover printers and other computer peripherals (e.g. cables, mouse or keyboards) and numerous exemptions are included in the law (e.g. for computers/TVs/video display devices in cars and incorporated into large pieces of equipment, including home appliances).
Recycler Application or Registration Fee $0.00
Recycler Application or Registration Required Yes
Regulations http://webserver.rilegislature.gov//Statutes/TITLE23/23-24.10/INDEX.HTM
Regs are preempted by amendments to Statute
Retailer Requirements A) A retailer may not sell or offer for sale any covered electronic product in or for delivery into this state unless: 1. The covered electronic product is labeled with a brand and the label is permanently affixed and readily visible; 2. The brand is included on the list posted by the Office of Land Revitalization and Sustainable Materials Management 3. The list posted by the Office of Land Revitalization and Sustainable Materials Management specifies that the manufacturer is in compliance with the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-24.10 and the regulations. All manufacturers will be considered in compliance with the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-24.10 and the regulations until the Department publishes the first listing. B) Information Provided by Retailer at Time of Sale. A retailer shall provide the consumer at the time of the sale of the covered electronic product information that provides details about where and how a consumer can recycle covered electronic products in Rhode Island. Information shall also be made available in printable form for Internet sales. C) A retailer who sells or offers for sale a new covered electronic product must, before the initial offer for sale, review the Department's website to determine that all new covered electronic products that the retailer is offering for sale are labeled with the manufacturer's brands that are registered with the Department. D) A retailer is not responsible for an unlawful sale under this subdivision if the manufacturer's registration expired or was revoked and the retailer took possession of the covered electronic product prior to the expiration or revocation of the manufacturer's registration and the unlawful sale occurred within three months after the expiration or revocation.
Screen Sizes Accepted 9 inches or larger
State Ewaste Recycling Law Yes
State Program Year January 1 - January 1
Statute http://webserver.rilegislature.gov//Statutes/TITLE23/23-24.10/INDEX.htm
Target Type Statewide total lbs set by RIRRC and RIDEM
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship No

Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)

139 Main Street, PO Box 551
Brattleboro, VT 05301

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e-Cycle Compliance Calendar © 2025

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