
Primary Contact
Jeff Bednar
Alternate Contact(s)
Pete Zirilli
Law ComponentAction Item/Answer
Alternate Contact Pete Zirilli
Annual Manufacturer Fee Deadline August 31
$5,000 fee. Manufacturers of only computer peripherals do not need to register with the department in order to sell their computer peripherals in Pennsylvania.
Annual Manufacturer Registration Deadline August 31
$5,000 fee. Manufacturers of only computer peripherals do not need to register with the department in order to sell their computer peripherals in Pennsylvania.
Collection Fees No
Collection Limit/Requirements None
Collector or Municipal Plan Required No
Collector Registration Required Yes
Covered Entities Household/Consumer, Small Businesses (fewer than 50 employees)
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban Yes
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products Yes
Any manufacturer who fails to label its new covered devices with a brand or who fails to register with the department and pay a registration fee may be assessed a penalty of up to $10,000 for the first violation and up to $25,000 for the second and each subsequent violation in addition to paying for any fees, payments and penalties required by or imposed pursuant to this act. Any person, including a retailer, who violates any requirement of the act may be assessed a penalty of up to $1,000 for the first violation and up to $2,000 for the second and each subsequent violation, in addition to paying for any fees, payments and penalties required by or imposed pursuant to the act.
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted No
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required No
Link to State Annual Report
Mailback Program Yes
PA does accept mail-back programs as long as the material is sourced from Pennsylvania residents during the appropriate program year period and does not incur a cost to the resident.
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits Yes
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers No
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Yes
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Deadline August 31
A completed Planning Form must be received and approved by the department by Aug. 31, and the plan must include: Methods used to collect covered devices, including the names and locations of collection sites. The names and locations of directly utilized recyclers and the recycling processes they use. A means to publicize collection opportunities, collection locations, and educate consumers, including a website or toll-free telephone number. The intention of the manufacturer(s) to fulfill its requirements under this act.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal No
Manufacturer Registration Required Yes
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees Yes
Penalty due shall be calculated by taking the unmet portion of the goal, in pounds, and multiplying the number by $2.
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share Yes
A manufacturer shall establish, conduct and manage a plan to collect, transport and recycle a quantity of covered devices equal to the manufacturer's market share. The plan shall be submitted to the department for review.
Market Share Applicable Products Desktops, E-readers, Keyboards, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Televisions
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations No
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted No
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers Yes
Statewide total lbs set by agency
Primary Contact Jeff Bednar
Product Labeling Required Yes
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Desktops, E-readers, Keyboards, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Televisions
Products Covered Desktops, E-readers, Keyboards, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Televisions
Manufacturers of only printers or other peripherals do not have to register their devices-for other manufacturers they are considered covered devices.
Recycler Application or Registration Fee $0.00
Recycler Application or Registration Required No
No, but any electronics recycling facility that is located in Pennsylvania must obtain general permit #WMGR081 and must have certain certifications.
Retailer Requirements Retailers of covered devices are required to notify customers of how and where they can recycle their covered devices. The notification can come in any one or more of the following forms: Posting the information regarding how and where customers can recycle covered devices. Posting and providing the Department’s toll-free recycling hotline telephone number (800-346-4242). Providing the Department’s electronics recycling Internet website. Providing retailer developed information. No retailer may charge a fee or cost to a consumer for the collection, transportation or recycling of a covered device, unless a financial incentive (e.g. coupon, rebate or other) of equal or greater value is provided to the consumer. Also, any retailer that collects covered devices shall recycle those devices in a manner that is in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinances, and may not export the devices for disposal in a manner that poses a significant risk to the public health or the environment. Retailers may not transfer those devices to an electronics recycling facility unless the facility has achieved either R2 or eSteward certification.
Screen Sizes Accepted 4 inches or larger
State Ewaste Recycling Law Yes
State Program Year January 1 - January 1
Target Type Statewide total lbs set by agency
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship No

Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)

139 Main Street, PO Box 551
Brattleboro, VT 05301

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e-Cycle Compliance Calendar © 2025

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