Alternate Contact
Annual Manufacturer Fee Deadline
July 1
Registration is open from October 15 to December 31. Invoices for registration fees are sent May 1. Manufacturers are placed in one of seven tiers, depending on their market share from the previous calendar year. Each tier is assessed a certain fee, which ranges from $40 to $35,000.
Collection Fees
Currently Oregon E-Cycles does not provide free recycling of speakers, scanners or other types of electronics. Participating collection sites may take these other devices, but may charge a fee to recycle them. May charge for premium service, such as at-location system upgrade services and at-home pickup services
Collection Limit/Requirements
Anyone can return 7 or fewer CEDs. No limit for Oregon household, a business that employs 10 or fewer individuals, a not-for-profit organization - 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that employs 10 or fewer individuals;
Collector or Municipal Plan Required
Collector Registration Required
Covered Entities
Any person giving 7 or fewer devices at one time, Household/Consumer, Non-profits with fewer than 10 employees, Small Businesses with Fewer Than 10 Employees
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required
Link to State Annual Report
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan
At the time of registration, manufacturers must indicate which recycling program they will participate in: the State Contractor Program, their own program or a group program. Manufacturers must participate in a program with a DEQ-approved plan.
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Deadline
July 1
Plans should be developed based on a calendar year, submitted and approved annually. Recycling Programs must be fully operational on January 1 of each year.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal
DEQ assigns all manufacturers a recycling obligation by May 1 each year for the following year. This obligation, or return share and return share by weight, is the percentage and weight, respectively, of computers, monitors, TVs and printers that a manufacturer is responsible for recycling through a recycling program.
Manufacturer Registration Required
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share
All Covered Products
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers
Statewide total lbs set by agency
Primary Contact
Product Labeling Required
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream
CRT Monitor, CRT TV, Desktops, Flat Panel/LCD Monitors, Flat Panel/LCD TV, Laptops
Products Covered
Desktops, E-readers, Keyboards, Laptops, Mice, Monitors, Printers, Tablets, Televisions
*Printers exclude 3D printers
Recycler Application or Registration Fee
Recycler Application or Registration Required
Retailer Requirements
Retailers must provide consumers with point-of-sale information on where they can find free recycling for computers, monitors, televisions, printers, keyboards and mice. Retailers may sell only those brands of covered devices on the Oregon compliant list. Check for monthly updates. If a brand or manufacturer is not currently on the list, retailers are encouraged to notify Oregon DEQ and to contact the manufacturer directly to alert them that their products are not eligible for sale in or into Oregon unless they register. Retailers must confirm the products they sell are affixed with a permanent and visible brand label by the manufacturer.
Screen Sizes Accepted
4 inches or larger
State Ewaste Recycling Law
State Program Year
January 1 - January 1
Target Type
Statewide total lbs set by agency
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship