Alternate Contact
Peter van Erppeter.vanerp@dec.ny.gov518-402-8706
Collection Fees
Collection Limit/Requirements
Collector or Municipal Plan Required
Collector Registration Required
Covered Entities
Government, Household/Consumer, Non-profit/Charity, Schools, Small and Medium Size Businesses
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required
Manufacturers of CEE must register with the Department prior to selling or offering for sale CEE in the state, and submit a one-time registration fee of $5,000. Fee is waived if joining a collective program.
Link to State Annual Report
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits
A manufacturer may generate electronic waste acceptance credits by accepting excess weight above its acceptance standard. No more than 25% of a manufacturer's acceptance standard for any program year may be met with credits generated in a prior program year. Credits may not be purchased or sold in the same program year they were generated. Credits expire 3 years after the program year in which they were generated. Credits purchased by a manufacturer in a program year must be applied to that year's acceptance standard, and may not be used to meet subsequent years' obligations. Manufacturers cannot sell purchased credits. The use of credits is allowed only when a manufacturer’s acceptance program has failed to collect sufficient weight to satisfy its acceptance standard.
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan
A manufacturer may choose to implement its own individual electronic waste acceptance program, or may choose to participate in a collective electronic waste acceptance program with other manufacturers.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal
Acceptance standards issued based on manufacturers' market shares.
Manufacturer Registration Required
Also, in NY, collective electronic waste acceptance programs (collectives) are required to register with the Department and pay a one time registration fee of $10,000.
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees
Manufacturers who do not meet their acceptance standards are required to pay a recycling surcharge on the weight that should have been collected. 30/40/50 cents/lb. depending on how far away from standard.
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share
Market Share Applicable Products
3D Printer, All-in-One Computer, CRT Monitor, Desktops, E-readers, Flat Panel/LCD Monitors, Game Consoles, Keyboards, Laptops, Mice, Monitors, Portable DVD players with LCD screens, Portable Music/Media Player, Printers, Scanners, Servers, Tablets
Complete list of market share applicable products: cathode ray tubes (CRTs), all-in-one computers, desktop computers, e-readers, interactive flat panel displays, laptops, mini computers, notebooks, smart displays, tablets, thin clients, virtual reality headsets (w/ processor), workstations, 3-D printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), digital picture frames (>4" diagonally), document scanners (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), keyboards or keypads, mice or similar pointing devices, external hard drives, facsimile machines (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), label printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), monitors ( screen size >4" diagonally), printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), cable or satellite receivers, digital converter boxes, digital video disc (DVD) players, digital video recorders (DVRs), video game consoles (handheld and those intended for use w/ a video display device), portable digital music player (w/ memory capability), projectors (w/ DVD player capability), videocassette recorders (VCRs). small scale servers, televisions (>4" diagonally).
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations
Must update registrations and annual reports online at
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers
A statewide goal is calculated based on prior years’ reported collection. The goal is distributed among manufacturers based upon their market shares, as acceptance standard minimums for collection.
Primary Contact
Katie Kidalowskikatie.kidalowski@dec.ny.gov518-402-8706
Product Labeling Required
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream
All-in-One Computer, CRT Monitor, Desktops, E-readers, Fax, Game Consoles, Keyboards, Laptops, Mice, Monitors, Portable DVD, Portable Music/Media Player, Printers, Scanners, Servers, Tablets, Televisions
Complete listing of banned products: Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), all-in-one computers, desktop computers, e-readers, interactive flat panel displays, laptops, mini computers, notebooks, smart displays, tablets, thin clients, virtual reality headsets (w/ processor), workstations, 3-D printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), digital picture frames (>4" diagonally), document scanners (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), keyboards or keypads, mice or similar pointing devices, external hard drives, facsimile machines (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), label printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), monitors ( screen size >4" diagonally), printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), cable or satellite receivers, digital converter boxes, digital video disc (DVD) players, digital video recorders (DVRs), video game consoles (handheld and those intended for use w/ a video display device), portable digital music player (w/ memory capability), projectors (w/ DVD player capability), videocassette recorders (VCRs). small scale servers, televisions (>4" diagonally).
Products Covered
CRT Monitor, Desktops, E-device power cords and chargers, E-readers, External Hard Drive, Flat Panel/LCD Monitors, Game Consoles, Keyboards, Mice, Monitors, Portable DVD, Portable Music/Media Player, Printers, Scanners, Servers, Tablets, Televisions
Complete list of products covered: cathode ray tubes (CRTs), all-in-one computers, desktop computers, e-readers, interactive flat panel displays, laptops, mini computers, notebooks, smart displays, tablets, thin clients, virtual reality headsets (w/ processor), workstations, 3-D printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), digital picture frames (>4" diagonally), document scanners (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), keyboards or keypads, mice or similar pointing devices, external hard drives, facsimile machines (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), label printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), monitors ( screen size >4" diagonally), printers (intended for use w/ a computer and weighing <100 lbs.), cable or satellite receivers, digital converter boxes, digital video disc (DVD) players, digital video recorders (DVRs), video game consoles (handheld and those intended for use w/ a video display device), portable digital music player (w/ memory capability), projectors (w/ DVD player capability), videocassette recorders (VCRs). small scale servers, televisions (>4" diagonally). Cell phone takeback = separate law.
Recycler Application or Registration Fee
Recycler Application or Registration Required
Retailer Requirements
Provide information at the point of sale if provided by a manufacturer. Sell only compliant brands. Sell only labeled equipment. Comply with disposal ban.
Screen Sizes Accepted
4 inches or larger
State Ewaste Recycling Law
State Program Year
January 1 - January 1
Supporting regulations can be found at:
Target Type
Statewide total pounds target based on prior collection
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship