New Jersey

Primary Contact
Janis Hottinger
Alternate Contact(s)
Scott Compton

Law ComponentAction Item/Answer
Alternate Contact Scott Compton

Collection Fees No
Collection Limit/Requirements None
Collector or Municipal Plan Required No
Local governments have the opportunity to play an important role in implementing the "Electronics Waste Management Act" but no collector plan is required. By promoting the program to local residents and small businesses, they can educate them about the importance of e-cycling and help them locate participating collection sites.
Collector Registration Required No
Collector Reporting Deadline August 1
Collection site locations semiannual reports due Feb 1 and August 1 annually
Covered Entities Community Colleges, Household/Consumer, Local Government Units, School Districts, Small businesses (50 full-time employees or fewer), State Colleges and Universities, State Government
Consumer means a person, State entity, school district, local government unit, small business (fewer than 50 full-time employees), Community college, State College and University.
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban Yes
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products Yes
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted No
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required Yes
$5,000 annual fee
Mailback Program Yes
Rules require manufacturer's collection plans to provide free collection and transportation services for consumers with bulky CEDs and consumers who are not able to bring CEDs to a collection site.
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits Yes
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers No
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Yes
Rules require manufacturer's collection plans to provide free collection and transportation services for consumers with bulky CEDs and consumers who are not able to bring CEDs to a collection site.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal Yes
Obligations posted to the NJDEP website
Manufacturer Registration Required Yes
NJ requires that manufacturers submit their initial registration via paper (or email a scanned form), but every annual renewal is required to be done through the NJDEP portal online.
Manufacturer Reports Deadline August 1
And again on February 1st (semiannually)
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees No
NJ assesses a Noncompliance Fee against the entire obligation, not just the shortfall.
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share Yes
Each manufacturer to whom the department provides a market share that is greater than .01 percent of the total shall submit a plan to the department to collect, transport, and recycle covered electronic devices. Each manufacturer to whom the department provides by February 15 of any year, a market share that is greater than .01 percent of the total shall, by April 15 of that year, comply with the requirements of the law.
Market Share Applicable Products Computers, Desktop Printers, Fax, Monitors, Televisions
*Desktop fax machines only. Computers includes desktop, personal and portable computers.
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations Yes
Must submit modifications via the Initial Registration Form. Revised registration forms accepted throughout the year to reflect changes. Renewals must be submitted online only.
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted Yes
NJ requires that manufacturers submit initial registration via paper (or email a scanned form), but every annual renewal is required to be done through the NJDEP portal online.
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers Yes
Statewide total lbs set by agency, may adjust based on actuals collected.
Primary Contact Janis Hottinger
Product Labeling Required Yes
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Computers, Desktop Printers, Fax, Monitors, Televisions
*Desktop fax machines only. Computers includes desktop, personal and portable computers.
Products Covered Computers, Desktop Printers, Fax, Monitors, Printers, Televisions
*Desktop fax machines only. Computers includes desktop, personal and portable computers.
Recycler Application or Registration Fee $15,000.00
Due Annually on January 1st
Recycler Application or Registration Required Yes
Recycler Reporting Deadline August 1
Semiannual Report
Retailer Requirements Yes
State Ewaste Recycling Law Yes
State Program Year January 1 - January 1
Target Type Statewide total lbs set by agency, may adjust based on actual collected
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship No
This information is captured in semiannual reports and recycler and collector semiannual reports are compared with one another.

Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)

139 Main Street, PO Box 551
Brattleboro, VT 05301

For additional contact information, please visit our Contact Us page.

e-Cycle Compliance Calendar © 2025

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Disclaimer - The materials available at this web site are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. NCER and their affiliates are not responsible for any data inaccuracies within the website. Please contact the state e-cycling contact directly for clarification or links to current compliance information.