North Carolina

Primary Contact
Perry Sugg
Alternate Contact(s)
John Patrone
Law ComponentAction Item/Answer
Alternate Contact John Patrone
Annual Manufacturer Fee Deadline July 1
TV Annual fees: $2,500; CE Annual fees: Level I: $15,000; Level II: $7,500; Level III: $2,500
Annual Manufacturer Registration Deadline July 1
TV Annual fees: $2,500; CE Annual fees: Level I: $15,000; Level II: $7,500; Level III: $2,500; June 30: Annual Renewal Registration Fee due for Television Manufacturers; July 1: Annual Renewal Registration Fee due for Computer Manufacturers
Collection Fees No
A fee cannot be charged for recycling TVs. A fee may be charged for computer equipment, except the manufacturers cannot charge a collection fee.
Collection Limit/Requirements Depending on the plan instituted by the manufacturer, there may be limits on the brands and types of electronics taken at collection sites/events.
Collector or Municipal Plan Required Yes
A local government is only required to have a Electronics Management Plan if they are seeking funding from the Electronics Management Fund.
Collector Registration Required No
Unless collector is a recycler.
Covered Entities Household/Consumer, Non-profits with fewer than 10 employees
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban Yes
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products Yes
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted Yes
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required Yes
TV Initial year fee: $2,500; CE Initial year fees are as follows: Level I: $15,000; Level II: $10,000; Level III: $10,000
Link to State Annual Report
Mailback Program Yes
The NC Electronics Management Program has a mail back component specified in the computer equipment recycling plan. The timeline for the mail-back component is the same as the Program year (July 1 through June 30). Requirements of Plan Level 1 (mail back program) – Plan submitted to NC within 90 days of initial registration, updated as necessary: 1. Responsible for CE that it manufactured 2. Describe the take-back program (at least 1 of the below): a. The mail back process b. The physical collection site operations c. A collection event(s) hosted by the manufacturer or is designee 3. Description of how it will implement the Plan 4. Provide environmentally sound management practices to transport and recycle CE 5. Include consumer education on NC electronics laws 6. Provide consumer toll-free phone number Note: the Plan shall provide for a free and reasonably convenient collection/recycling program available to the public.
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits No
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers No
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Yes
Manufacturers must provide an electronic waste acceptance program to consumers, which must, at a minimum:  -Be provided at no cost to consumers.  -Provide for the convenient collection, handling and recycling or reuse of electronic waste.  -Accept electronic waste for collection.  -Provide a public education program.  -Provide information to retailers. -Properly label CEE  -Comply with disposal ban.   -Submit an annual report form; annual reporting fee; and recycling surcharge (if applicable).  -Maintain records.
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan Deadline October 1
CE manufacturers only. Required 90 days after initial registration and when updated.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal Yes
TVs only
Manufacturer Registration Required Yes
Manufacturer Reports Deadline October 1
Annually for CE & TV
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees No
Can be held in violation of the program rules.
Manufacturer State Registration List
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share Yes
National TV market share data is used to determine TV recycling obilgations
Market Share Applicable Products Televisions
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations Yes
Resubmissions of annual forms are required if there are changes mid-year.
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted No
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers TVs only
Based on market share data, prior collection, and set by agency.
Primary Contact Perry Sugg
Product Labeling Required Yes
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream CRT Monitor, CRT TV, Desktops, Flat Panel/LCD Monitors, Flat Panel/LCD TV, Laptops, Multi-function Device, Printers, Scanners
Discarded computer equipment and discarded televisions as defined in NCGS 130A-309.131
Products Covered Desktops, Game Consoles, Laptops, Monitors, Multi-function Device, Printers, Scanners, Tablets, Televisions, Virtual Reality Headsets
Recycler Application or Registration Fee $0.00
Registration only. No fee.
Recycler Application or Registration Required Yes
Retailer Requirements Before selling retailers must confirm that CE and TVs are labeled with the manufacturer's brand and that the manufacturer is in compliance with NC Electronics Act. A compliance list is maintained on the NCDEQ website. The retailer can be held in violation of the Program Rule if selling out of compliance manufacturer device(s).
Screen Sizes Accepted TV: screen 9" or larger
State Ewaste Recycling Law Yes
State Program Year January 1 - January 1
N.C. General Statutes 130A-309.130 through 130A-309.142
Target Type TVs only, based on prior collection and set by agency
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship Yes
This information is required for the local government to be eligible for the annual fund disbursement.

Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)

139 Main Street, PO Box 551
Brattleboro, VT 05301

For additional contact information, please visit our Contact Us page.

e-Cycle Compliance Calendar © 2025

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