
Primary Contact
Amanda Cotton
Alternate Contact(s)
Matthew Webb
Law ComponentAction Item/Answer
Alternate Contact Matthew Webb
Annual Manufacturer Fee Deadline August 15
Manufacturer registration forms due August 15 or within ten days of video display devices being offered for sale to households. The registration fee for manufacturers that sell 100 or more video display devices to households in the state during the previous calendar year is $2,500, plus a variable recycling fee. The variable recycling fee is calculated according to the formula: [A - (B + C)] x D, where: A = the manufacturer"s recycling obligation as determined under section 115A.1320; B = the number of pounds of covered electronic devices recycled by a manufacturer from households during the immediately preceding program year, as reported under section 115A.1316, subdivision 1; C = the number of phase I or phase II recycling credits a manufacturer elects to use to calculate the variable recycling fee; and D = the estimated per-pound cost of recycling, initially set at $0.50 per pound for manufacturers who recycle less than 50 percent of the manufacturer"s recycling obligation; $0.40 per pound for manufacturers who recycle at least 50 percent but less than 90 percent of the manufacturer"s recycling obligation; $0.30 per pound for manufacturers who recycle at least 90 percent but less than 100 percent of the manufacturer"s recycling obligation; and $0.00 per pound for manufacturers who recycle 100 percent or more of the manufacturer's recycling obligation. Manufacturers must also report on the total weight of covered electronic devices the manufacturer collected from households or recycled or arranged to have collected and recycled during the preceding program year. These reports are also due August 15.
Annual Manufacturer Registration Deadline August 15
Manufacturer registration forms due August 15 or within ten days of video display devices being offered for sale to households. The registration fee for manufacturers that sell 100 or more video display devices to households in the state during the previous calendar year is $2,500, plus a variable recycling fee. The variable recycling fee is calculated according to the formula: [A - (B + C)] x D, where: A = the manufacturer"s recycling obligation as determined under section 115A.1320; B = the number of pounds of covered electronic devices recycled by a manufacturer from households during the immediately preceding program year, as reported under section 115A.1316, subdivision 1; C = the number of phase I or phase II recycling credits a manufacturer elects to use to calculate the variable recycling fee; and D = the estimated per-pound cost of recycling, initially set at $0.50 per pound for manufacturers who recycle less than 50 percent of the manufacturer"s recycling obligation; $0.40 per pound for manufacturers who recycle at least 50 percent but less than 90 percent of the manufacturer"s recycling obligation; $0.30 per pound for manufacturers who recycle at least 90 percent but less than 100 percent of the manufacturer"s recycling obligation; and $0.00 per pound for manufacturers who recycle 100 percent or more of the manufacturer's recycling obligation. Manufacturers must also report on the total weight of covered electronic devices the manufacturer collected from households or recycled or arranged to have collected and recycled during the preceding program year. These reports are also due August 15.
Collection Fees Yes
The statute allows the collector to decide if they want to charge a fee or not. Some may charge a fee, some may not.
Collection Limit/Requirements None
Collector or Municipal Plan Required No
Collector Registration Required Yes
Collector Reporting Deadline July 15
Registered collectors and recyclers will use Re-TRAC Connect system for reporting collection and recycling activities and registration for the upcoming program year.
Covered Entities Household/Consumer
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban Yes
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products Yes
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted No
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required Yes
If a manufacturer has sales of 100 or more VDD’s to MN households during the previous calendar year, then there is a $2500 registration fee
Link to State Annual Report https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/w-gen2-16.pdf
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits Yes
Manufacturer recycling obligation is set by MPCA based on previous-calendar-year sales. Manufacturers can meet this program year's recycling obligation through a combination of three options: -purchase of eligible pounds of recycled covered electronic devices (CED) -manufacturer recycling credits (limited to 25% of a manufacturer's PY recycling obligation) -recycling fees; per-pound fee charged to the manufacturer. Manufacturers must make their own connections with parties selling eligible recycled pounds or recycling credits.
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers No
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan No
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal Yes
These recycled pounds can come from registered collectors and recyclers, recycling credits from registered manufacturers, or fees paid to the state ($0.30/$0.40/$0.50 per pound). -Transactions must be completed before the end of the program year (June 30).
Manufacturer Registration Required Yes
Manufacturer Reports Deadline August 15
3/1/2022 (sales reporting form) and 8/15/2022 (reporting on how obligation was met). Manufacturers report on previous calendar year sales of VDDs to MN households. MPCA assigns obligation on May 1.
Manufacturer Reports Deadline March 1
3/1/2022 (sales reporting form) and 8/15/2022 (reporting on how obligation was met). Manufacturers report on previous calendar year sales of VDDs to MN households. MPCA assigns obligation on May 1.
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees Yes
If a manufacturer doesn’t purchase enough pounds to meet their obligation before July 1, they do pay a fee. 1. $0.50/lb. for manufacturers that recycle less than 50% of their obligation. 2. $0.40/lb. for manufacturers that recycle 50-90% of their obligation. 3. $0.30/lb. for manufacturers that recycle 90% or more of their obligation (but less than 100%)
Manufacturer State Registration List https://www.pca.state.mn.us/electronics/registered-stakeholders#manufacturers-bd9b4c75
Market Share No
MN does purchase national market share data annually as reference, but doesn’t use it to assign obligation
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations No
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted Yes
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers Yes
Statewide total lbs obligation set by VDDs collected for recycling, based on a two-year average.
Primary Contact Amanda Cotton
Product Labeling Required Yes
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream CRT Monitor, CRT TV
Mercury-containing devices are also banned.
Products Covered Monitors, Televisions
As of July 2016, program goals are based on sales of TVs and computer monitors of any screen size, but the program allows households to recycle a larger group of products, including desktop/laptop computers, tablets keyboards, printers, fax machines, DVD players, and video cassette recorders.
Recycler Application or Registration Fee $0.00
Recycler Application or Registration Required Yes
Registered collectors and recyclers will use Re-TRAC Connect system for reporting collection and recycling activities and registration for the upcoming program year.
Recycler Reporting Deadline July 15
Registered collectors and recyclers will use Re-TRAC Connect system for reporting collection and recycling activities and registration for the upcoming program year.
Retailer Requirements Retailers of video display devices can sell only registered brands to households; this includes online sales and catalog sales as well as physical retail outlets. The law does not apply to business or institutional sales. Retailers are required to provide recycling information to their customers. 
Screen Sizes Accepted CEDs are no longer defined by screen size
State Ewaste Recycling Law Yes
State Program Year January 1 - January 1
Statute https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/115A#stat.115A.13
Target Type Statewide total lbs target based on prior collection
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship No

Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)

139 Main Street, PO Box 551
Brattleboro, VT 05301

For additional contact information, please visit our Contact Us page.

e-Cycle Compliance Calendar © 2025

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