Alternate Contact
Joseph Boudahjoseph.boudah@dc.gov202-603-2655
All correspondence should go to as well.
Annual Manufacturer Fee Deadline
October 1
The deadline was changed from 12/31 to 10/1, starting in 2023, through legislation passed by the DC Council. The registration fee schedule will be posted on this page by early August 2023 - Note fees are annually adjusted for inflation using the Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI-U).
Annual Manufacturer Registration Deadline
October 1
The deadline was changed from 12/31 to 10/1, starting in 2023, through legislation passed by the DC Council. Registration forms will be posted on this page by early August 2023 -
Collection Fees
Collection Limit/Requirements
Collector or Municipal Plan Required
Collector Registration Required
Covered Entities
Households, Small Businesses, Small Non-profits
The terms to the left are defined in regulations. The term "covered entity" is only relevant for manufacturers registering as part of representative organizations.
Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream Ban
DC Code § 8–1041.07
Enforcement Authority for Sale of Unregistered Products
See the "Enforcement" section of this webpage:
ERCC EcycleRegistration Accepted
Initial Manufacturer Registration/Fee Required
Registration forms and the fee schedule will be posted on this page by early August - . Note fees are annually adjusted for inflation using the Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI-U).
Mailback Program
DC does have a “One-to-One” takeback requirement that can be accomplished via a mailback or direct pick-up program. The takeback requirements are “Beginning January 1, 2017, a manufacturer shall accept for recycling or reuse, on a one-to-one basis with the purchase in the District of the same type of covered electronic equipment, any brand of covered electronic equipment that is offered for return to the manufacturer by a person in the District.”
Questions 8 and 9 on our eCYCLE DC FAQ address directions for what our one-to-one takeback would require, and suggested language to inform residents of the program.
Manufacturer Buying/Selling Pounds/Credits
A manufacturer subject to a minimum collection share must either directly collect CEE and recycle it or arrange for the collection and recycling or reuse of the CEE (see D.C. Official Code § 8-1041.05(a)(1)-(2)). Accordingly, an individual manufacturer or partnership may purchase pounds of CEE from other manufacturers or recyclers, as long as the pounds are: (a) collected in the District, (b) collected and recycled or reused in the calendar year of their minimum collection share, and (c) not claimed as collected, recycled, or reused in any other jurisdiction, for any other program years, or on behalf of any other manufacturers.
Manufacturer Notice To Retailers
Manufacturer Private Collection/Takeback/Recovery Program or Plan
Our District program is manufacturer led, so all manufacturers have a responsibility to establish a program.
Manufacturer Recycling Obligation or Goal
A manufacturer registering as an individual manufacturer must collect and recycle or reuse its minimum collection share, which is 80% of the average of the weight of covered electronic equipment (CEE) sold (or estimated to be sold) in the District in the past three calendar years. Manufacturers that join a partnership must jointly collect and recycle or reuse the sum of the individual members’ minimum collection shares of CEE.
Manufacturer Registration Required
Manufacturer Reports Deadline
October 1
The annual registration includes a report. The deadline was changed from 12/31 to 10/1, starting in 2023, through legislation passed by the DC Council.
Manufacturer Shortfall Fees
An updated "Shortfall Fee" factsheet will be posted here by August 2023
Manufacturer State Registration List
Market Share
Modification Forms Required For Changes to Existing Manufacturer Registrations
Paper Manufacturer Registrations Accepted
Partnership Registration Required
A manufacturer that sells, offers for sale, or delivers to a retailer for subsequent sale new covered electronic equipment (CEE) in the District is required to register with the Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE), unless the manufacturer qualifies for an exemption. There are three options for registration: as an individual manufacturer, as part of a partnership, or as part of a representative organization. Manufacturers meeting the above criteria are not required to join a partnership, but they must be registered under one of the three options.
Pounds Collection Target/Obligation for Manufacturers
A manufacturer registering as an individual manufacturer must collect and recycle or reuse its minimum collection share, which is 80% of the average of the weight of covered electronic equipment (CEE) sold (or estimated to be sold) in the District in the past three calendar years. Manufacturers that join a partnership must jointly collect and recycle or reuse the sum of the individual members’ minimum collection shares of CEE.
Primary Contact
Rafiq Jenningsrafiq.jennings@dc.gov202-774-8767
All correspondence should go to as well.
Product Labeling Required
D.C. Code § 8–1041.03(a)(1)
Products Banned From Disposal/Landfill/Waste Stream
All-in-One Computer, Cable and Satellite Receivers, Computer Speakers, Desktops, DVD players, DVRs, E-readers, Game Consoles, Keyboards, Laptops, Mice, Monitors, Portable Music/Media Player, Printers, Servers, Signal Converter Box, Tablets, Televisions, VCRs
Same list as products covered. Printers must weigh 100 pounds or less.
Servers listed here are small scale servers. Portable music players must be digital and battery-powered and have memory capability. Laptops, tablets, e-readers, monitors, and TVs must have screens larger than 6 inches.
Products Covered
All-in-One Computer, Cable and Satellite Receivers, Computer Speakers, Desktops, DVD players, DVRs, E-readers, Game Consoles, Keyboards, Laptops, Mice, Monitors, Portable Music/Media Player, Printers, Servers, Signal Converter Box, Tablets, Televisions, VCRs
Same list as products banned from disposal. Printers must weigh 100 pounds or less. Servers listed here are small scale servers. Portable music players must be digital and battery-powered and have memory capability. Laptops, tablets, e-readers, monitors, and TVs must have screens larger than 6 inches.
Recycler Application or Registration Fee
Recycler Application or Registration Required
Manufacturers are required to certify in their registration applications that vendors who recycle or reuse covered electronic equipment collected under the manufacturer's waste management program have e-Stewards certification or R2 certification per DC law. DC Code § 8-1041.03(b)(8)
The statute is here:
Representative Organization Registration Required
A manufacturer that sells, offers for sale, or delivers to a retailer for subsequent sale new covered electronic equipment (CEE) in the District is required to register with the Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE), unless the manufacturer qualifies for an exemption. There are three options for registration: as an individual manufacturer, as part of a partnership, or as part of a representative organization. Manufacturers meeting the above criteria are not required to join a representative organization, but they must be registered under one of the three options.
Retailer Requirements
It is a violation of the District’s electronic waste law for retailers to sell or offer for sale new covered electronic equipment (CEE) that is not on the current Registered or Exempt Manufacturers and Brands list. Retailers may also have responsibility for providing point-of-sale information on how to properly recycle purchased electronic equipment.
DC Code § 8 1041.05(e) and DC Code § 8-1041.03(a)
For more information, see
Screen Sizes Accepted
Greater than 6 inches
State Ewaste Recycling Law
State Program Year
January 1 - January 1
Regulations are here
Target Type
80% of the average of the previous three years' sales of CEE in the District, by weight
Written Notice About Recycler/Collector (Municipal) Relationship